A certified native Russian
language tutor, more
than 5 years experience
A certified native Russian language tutor, more than
5 years of experience
You are in the right
place if you want:
  • To learn to speak Russian;
  • To visit a Russian-speaking country and you need to build
    your travel vocabulary;
  • To expand the horizons of your education;
  • To study in a Russian-speaking country
  • To open a business in a Russian-speaking country
  • To meet your love and to speak the same
    language with a partner
You are in the right
place if you want:
  • To learn to speak Russian;
  • To study in a Russian-speaking country
  • To visit a Russian-speaking country and you need to build your travel vocabulary;
  • To open a business in a Russian-speaking country
  • To expand the horizons of your education;
  • To meet your love and to speak the same language with a partner
I am Ksenia, nice to meet you!
I am a certified native Russian language tutor, who has taught Russian in the diplomatic field for more than 5 years, which means I have experience communicating with people of different nationalities, religions and views. I really love motivating my students to learn one of the most difficult languages in the world. Learning Russian with me is always fun!
About my classes
I work with all levels of Russian
language proficiency
(from A1 (elementary) to
C2 (proficiency)
The duration of my classes varies and depends on your individual needs:
60 minutes, 90 minutes and
120 minutes as well
Classes are held on the Zoom platform
I use modern Russian textbooks
Game learning style
Lessons as a fun and not boring process
I teach in English and in Russian
Classes are individual
About my classes
  • I work with all levels of Russian language proficiency (from A1 (elementary) to C2 (proficiency)
  • The duration of my classes varies and depends on your individual needs: 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes as well
  • I use modern Russian textbooks
  • Classes are held on the Zoom platform
  • Lessons as a fun and not boring process. Game learning style

Why is studying with me a benefit for you?
  • Quality teaching
    I've been teaching more than 5 years and I am really good at it. I not only know the subject perfectly, but also know how to clearly convey the material to my students
  • Experience
    I have been working in the diplomatic field for a long time and I speak English language so I can explain the Russian language to you in an accessible way
  • Responsibility
    I am a very disciplined person, which means that your teacher will not be late for lessons, will not arbitrarily change the time of classes, will not cancel classes. I don't create problems, I help to solve them
  • Good Support
    I have exceptionally good contact with my students, a working alliance is built almost 100% of the time. I know how to listen and hear my students and their needs
  • Good reviews
    My students say that I have a good sense of humor and I am able to motivate to learn Russian better than a professional coach
  • Individual program
    Each lesson is completely individual. Each student receives a personal program of learning Russian. I am very attentive to each of my students, I always pay attention to individual abilities and strengths
Why is studying with me a benefit for you?
  • 1
    Quality teaching
    I've been teaching more than 5 years and I am really good at it. I not only know the subject perfectly, but also know how to clearly convey the material to my students
  • 2
    I have been working in the diplomatic field for a long time and I speak English language so I can explain the Russian language to you in an accessible way
  • 3
    I am a very disciplined person, which means that your teacher will not be late for lessons, will not arbitrarily change the time of classes, will not cancel classes. I don't create problems, I help to solve them
  • 4
    Good Support
    I have exceptionally good contact with my students, a working alliance is built almost 100% of the time. I know how to listen and hear my students and their needs
  • 5
    Good reviews
    My students say that I have a good sense of humor and I am able to motivate to learn Russian better than a professional coach
  • 6
    Individual program
    Each lesson is completely individual. Each student receives a personal program of learning Russian. I am very attentive to each of my students, I always pay attention to individual abilities and strengths
For me teaching Russian
is much more than just
a job. This is my calling,
I really love what I do
Reviews about me
Reviews about me
How can you join to my individual lessons?
You write me in direct
messages in Instagram;
I will reply to you
within 24 hours
I am asking you a few questions about your Russian language level and about your
language goals
We agree on a trial lesson
You pay for a package of lessons
We start our lessons according to your personal program and you are already on your way to Russian language fluency!
How can you join to my individual lessons?
You write me in direct
messages in Instagram;
I will reply to you
within 24 hours
I am asking you a few questions about your Russian language level and about your
language goals
We agree on a trial lesson
You pay for a package of lessons
We start our lessons according to your personal program and you are already on your way to Russian language fluency!
Choose your Program
1 individual
65 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Subscription for
5 lessons
Each lesson is $15
245 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Subscription for
10 lessons
Each lesson is $15
490 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Subscription for
20 lessons
Each lesson is $15
980 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Choose your Program
1 individual
65 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Subscription for
5 lessons
Each lesson is $15
245 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Subscription for
10 lessons
Each lesson is $15
490 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Subscription for
20 lessons
Each lesson is $15
980 BYN
  • Zoom session access
  • Access to tests and a library of study materials
  • Checking homework
  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Speaking practice on every lesson
  • WhatsApp chat with teacher
  • The opportunity to ask any questions to the teacher
Trial class

Trial lesson
  • A full-fledged professional consultation that allows you to determine your level of knowledge of the Russian language
  • We talk about all the details of our lessons
  • The opportunity to ask any questions related to the
    learning process to the teacher
Trial class
A trial lesson is a full-fledged professional consultation that allows you to determine your level of knowledge of the Russian language
Trial lesson
  • We talk about all the details of our lessons
  • The opportunity to ask any questions related to the learning process to the teacher
Волкова Ксения Фёдоровна
Зарегистрирована Минским Горисполкомом 16.08.2016 УНП АС3513047
Контактный телефон: 8(017)2415663
Email: volkovakf@mail.ru
Режим работы: онлайн-заказ: круглосуточно, оператор: 9.00-21.00 Пн.-Вс.